Wednesday 8 May 2024

Whistle for the Big Dog - Final Dogskin gangers

A final pair of gangers to bring my Confrontation dogskin gang up to ten members strong. This means that I can field them as a Stargrave crew, and have just about enough members for a short Necromunda campaign.

Friday 19 April 2024

Every Pirate Crew Needs a Ship - The Squat Jetskull

When I originally put my squat pirates together, I knew that they would need something to ride around in. My initial thought was to buy a second-hand Action Force Roboskull and adapt it, but it turns out that vintage toys are collectible and expensive, so I would need to do something else. I ran with the flying skull theme though, and put together what I've been calling the Jetskull.

Squat pirates prep the Jetskull in the landing bay of their mothership.

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Pirates on Board - Squat Surfers

On Saturday just gone I attended the inaugural Lead & Steel event at The Outpost in Sheffield - a new and hopefully regular event on the Oldhammer calendar. I took part in a multiplayer game of Necromunda set in the badlands town of Far Corfe (more on that in the next post). The game required a small gang plus some vehicles. I decided I was going to use my squat pirates, but needed a few more vehicles to accompany the crew and their only existing vehicle, the Annihilator. First up - some powerboards!

What's that in the background? You'll have to wait until the next post.

Wednesday 31 January 2024

Hammer of the Hounds - Yet More Dogskins!

Part of the fun in building these Confrontation gangs is converting or adding in models that fit the look of the original sculpts. Today's pair of Dogskins includes a gang champion that hopefully fits that bill (as well as a standard Dogskin ganger to fill out the ranks!).

Friday 26 January 2024

Flea-bitten & Feral - More Dogskins

I had hoped to finish my Dogskin gang over Christmas, but plans changed and they're still very much WIP. Nonetheless, I've finished another pair to bring my total up to six.

Typical gang behaviour - picking on the weak and vulnerable.

Friday 8 December 2023

Beware the Pack - Confrontation Dogskins

Another group of 4 Confrontation models, which technically just leaves scavvies and the Elite gang to go. Of course, 4 figures isn't a gang, so before I get round to anything else, I need to paint up more figures for THIS gang. And which gang is it? The feral proto-ratskin gang that are generally referred to as Dogskins.

Friday 17 November 2023

Flight of the Navigator - BOYL 2023 Event Miniature

A fantastic event miniature is just one of the many delights of the annual Bring Out Your Lead gaming get together. The figure is given out for free to all attendees and is only available on the event weekend. We have alternated between fantasy and sci-fi figures over the years, and this year saw the first ever multipart model in the form of a sci-fi navigator sculpted by Tim Prow.

I finished painting up my copy at almost the exact same time as Asslessman over at Leadplague (complete coincidence). The bonus is that you can check out another lovely paint job on the figure

I went for the same colour scheme that I've used on all my navigators to date, and I'm very pleased with the striking results:

I added the ring on his right hand with greenstuff to cover a minor casting flaw.